1.Conduct a cursory review of industries in order to understand the gaps in our clients’ knowledge and identify the most relevant individuals (practitioners and often C-level executives working at the heart of their industries) to take part in a 1:1 consultations with our clients via phone
2.Engage with these individuals to understand whether they are the right fit for our clients
3.Persuade relevant individuals to take part in a consultation with our client and negotiate terms
4.Develop relationships with existing Third Bridge industry contacts and build new ones with experts you have identified
5.Set up consultations - scheduling, contracts, compliance requirements
6.The work is fast paced – you will be working on multiple requests on any given
day, all with tight timelines, and spanning a wide variety of industries and geographies. We look for individuals who are excited by a hands-on, high- pressure role
7.You’ll need to think on your feet as you speak on the phone with people across industries and levels
8.Teamwork is essential - you’ll be collaborating with others locally and
internationally when executing on projects.